Tuesday, May 8, 2012

KOREA: Day 11: Insadong/ Miss Lee Cafe

Hai erryone~~

Today we went to Insadong, and there were LOTSSS of cool artsy stuff there (sorry for the horrible vocabulary, I'm about to pass out atm).

Even the subway station had this artsy glow to it~~


 Before we did any shopping, we had to satisfy our tummies first!!

So off to another small shack owned by a few ajummas~~

I ordered Twigim Mandu and Lillian ordered Naengmyun~~

 The Mandu was 3000 won and the Naengmyun was 5000 won~~

Then off to shopping we go!!

I gotta say, we passed by a lot of kpop stores (that all seemed to sell the same kind of stuff actually...>.>), and also lots of traditional Korean souvenir stores too~

And not to mention countless makeup stores and food booths where different kinds of special candies, pancakes, ice creams, ETC were sold~~

Being the broke person that I am, I had successfully restrained myself~ 

 Ended up buying stuff for my mommy <3 <3
Without her, this trip woulda never happened. and I would've never met my future hubbies


^ for my mom ^^

Ginseng masks, rice wine chocolate, pomegranate tea, and this other tea that's good for blood pressure, skin, and circulation~~ (If I rmb correctly) In any case, it's just good for you lol~

The kind ajumma threw in several extra bags of pomegranate tea for free ^_^

Total cost was 48000 won ^^

Also bought some more small stuff fo friends ~


^ earrings were 1000 won each! (SO CHEAP OMG...LESS THAN A BUCK EACH?!)

Total cost for above pic is 30,000 won~~

NEXT is cafe time~~~~

We have finally found the wonderful Miss Lee cafe~~

Lots of celebs have visited this cafe before and I think one ep of We Got Married was filmed here too~ I forgot who...(well I don't watch WGM, just heard from Lillian), but anyways, it's cool xD


^ the servers were all guys LOL. coincidence? I think not!!!

I'm on to you, Miss Lee cafe =.= *

There weren't too many things on the menu, but whatever B)

Ofc, they were all over-priced~

But whatever B)

I got shikhae and Omicha hwachae while Lillian got lemon tea~~

The lemon tea was 6500 won, my shikhae was also 6500 won, and the omicha hwachae was 9500 won @.@

So expensive~

I bet it's 'cuz of the fruits in it! As I mentioned before, fruits in Korea are a very rare and expensive thing (from what I can see, maybe it's just my area).

After downing tons and tons of liquids (almost as much as I drank yesterday at 3 cafes...)

We walked around the area and stumbled upon an artsy little square(?) ish place~

That had CUTEEE stores

And here's just some other random artsy stuff that we passed by while browsing around~

And this super super super pretty bridge-ish thing with a nearby booth selling these small round tags that you can write on and hang on the gates~

So many couple tags~~ ARGHHHHH

After that, we went to hunt down the bossam restaurant that we had researched about~

Oh oh oh, on the way though we passed by this other high-quality ish-looking restaurant's parking lot that had this large black van with tinted windows~ We were SURE that it was an idol group's van. 


1) It was HUGE

2) Windows were EXTREMELY tinted

3) The driver (presumably manager?) was sitting there, napping, while waiting for whoever it is to finish eating.

We had considered going into the restaurant and eating there instead just to try to see who it was, but uhh....due to our poor poor wallets and due to the restaurant looking like it was very very expensive, we opted out of it T_T

The place was called Min's...crap...I forgot....it was either Palace...or...sth


But anyways,

after a while we finally found our place~~

^ The set we ordered cost 28,000 won in total, but because we also added two bowls of rice, it cost us 30,000 won in total~ So it was 15,000 won each~

Not too bad :)

Food was pretty darn good :D

But anyways, we decided to wrap up the day with that and head back to the guesthouse~~~

Tmw is Dongdaemun + famous restaurant + possibly trying to catch a glimpse of another celeb fansigning (not telling who! stay tuned :DDD)

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