Sunday, February 26, 2012


Hey guys

In case you haven't noticed, I've deleted a TRUCKLOAD of posts from my blog (mostly the ones having to do with other people and things that I would hate for people that know me to read...)

YEAP basically all the posts that contain top-secret schtuffs

So yeah, now my blog is completely facebook-friend-friendly (meaning basically I don't have anything on this blog that I'd want to hide from anyone I know on facebook)

So yeah, maybe my posts from now on may not be as scandalous or interesting as before (I dun even know if they were in the first place), but at least now I'm not fearing for my life.

JOKES. maybe.

Now, I'm basically going to turn this blog into a food/travelling (?)/ makeup (?) blog.



I can actually make this blog more public now == Instead of hiding it on one tab of my tumblr page LOL

I feel like a free woman.

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